Sunday, February 15, 2009

Is your face worth RM20 / S$8.5 / US$5.5 million

Well that's what one customer is suing De Classic Life (DCL) - a direct selling company in Malaysia for scaring her face using a skincare product that contained prohibited items.

As always, the most important criteria for selecting a product is always the company that represents it. Over the last 10 years in the MLM industry, I have seen so many local and Asian companies come and go.

Remember trading companies will take the cheapest product out there, sell it expensive and pay out huge commissions, just to attract people looking for short term fast money.

If you looking for safe products and a long term stable income, then look for international companies that make their own products, invest in R & D and offer value for money products.

For more information or to learn more about science and ingredients of BE skincare or Dr Andrew Berman's skin treatment products, you can visit

Remember, quality is defined as what's on the label is in the bottle and what's in the bottle, is on the label. So learning to read labels in half the job, and the other half is trusting the company who has made it.

Be safe always or your RM20 million dollar face could be permanently scared for life.


Mayo said...

I'm very happy that you're encouraging people to be aware of the importance of ingredients, especially in skin care products. Skin is the largest organ and anything put on it is absorbed very quickly, reaching all internal organs. (Think about how many skin patches are being used, for that very reason.)

I tell my readers how important it is to read labels, do research and make informed decisions every chance I get. Good job!

Mayo Underwood

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