Sunday, October 26, 2008

Would you like to look your chronological age?

This week, Joan bought a new Omron BMI machine that also can give you your biological age. So last thursday, a few of us tested to see if our bodies were younger or older than our biological age.

For some like me and Michelle, we were 6 years younger than our biological age, but for others who didn't take their anti-oxidants, some were up to 10 years older.

Same with your skin, if you nourish well from the inside, it will only show on the outside. So to have good skin, make sure you drink enough water and take your anti-oxidants everyday.

Some of the excellent anti-oxidants to keep your skin young and smooth include:-

Bio-C - 4 different forms of natural vitamin C
Daily Produce 24 - plant chemicals from 24 colourful fruits and vegetables
SuperChlorophyll - chlorophyllin from Alfalfa - the king of herbs
Salmon Omega 3 oil - keeps your skin smooth and shinning.

Yes you can get the cheap alternatives from the pharmacy or supermarket, but those are sold based on price and not quality. Just remember this simple logic, what is cheap is seldom good and what is good is seldom cheap, for quality is rememberred, long after price is forgotten.

And if your cheap supplements don't help, better save your money for the botox and face lifts and expensive cosmetic surgery, peeling and skin treatments when you reach your mid 40's to 50's.

Yes, everyone can have smooth, problem-free, flawless, even skin tones, firm and tightened skin, from your face, neck and all the body parts that defy gravity with age.


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