Friday, December 14, 2007

Oily as your skin is dehydrated

If you have oily skin today, it means your skin is dehydrated. Simply put, without a balance of oil and moisture, your skin would crack and it would be painful to frown, smile and laugh.

The problem with oily skin is just that with not enough mositure, your oil glands will compensate by producing more oil, to protect your skin.

So for those with oily skin, the first step is to make sure you balance your skin with a toner that contains oolong tea, pumpkin seed, chamomile and witch hazel which helps purify, soothe and refine pores while controlling shine.

Second step is to use a day moisturiser which has grapeseed polyphenols, licorice, and seaweed extract that replenishes moisture, while creating a barrier against drying. and a night moisturiser which combines soy, slmond oil, pistachio oil and rosemary extract to replenish lost moisture, and repair the natural lipid barrier.

So remember, if you have oily skin, it only means your skin is dehydrated, and you need to hydate it - not remove the oil. As the oil will continue to flow, as long as your skin is not properly hydrated. Makes sense doesn't it?

Visit my ebay store to invest more in the Mattefying Refiner, Day Veil Lotion and Night Nourishing Lotion and enjoy hydrated skin and less oily shine on your face.

1 comment:

Paul said...

skin can suffer from dehydration. Its cause is not enough water. This can be caused by many factors, such as not drinking enough, the environment, hot, cold, heating, air conditioning and wind and harsh chemical/mineral oil cleansers and skin care products, alcohol, smoking. To solve out this problem, ideas are mentioning here so thanks to share this blog with us.