Saturday, September 15, 2007

Vitamins for your skin

I just saw an advert on TV and they were talking about vitamins for your car engine. Made me laugh, but then again, most people today understand what vitamins do for your body, so why not your car. Brings me to the topic of Vitamins A, C & E - the antioxidant vitamins.

Antioxidants basically are needed by the body for anti aging and anti cancer.

Ever notice how those that smoke, usually look older than their chronological age?. Well smoking depletes Vitamin C - and Vitamin C is important for collagen production. Collagen is the cement that holds the skin together. So lack of Vitamin C, makes your skin sag and drop to the floor.

Anyway to cut the long story short, imagine a skincare with all the antioxidant vitamins A, C & E, together with the science to deliver it to the 5th layer of your skin - where the new skin cells are made.

That is what a good skincare is - the marriage of plant botanicals and vitamins with nanomins - the latest skincare science.

Visit my eBay store to try out the cleansers then decide if its for you.

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